Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wats love to me?

Wats love..
Somebody there for you?
Somebody hugging you when you're sad?
Somebody to kiss?
Somebody to share your feeling?
I don think there's anyone out there thats know what love really means..
Nobody knows...
I appreaciate my friends when they ask me out for a drink till late night..
I appreaciate them when they willing to hear out for me altought they dunno bout my feeling..
But Love..
will end up in sadness...
no matter wat happens..
If there's happiness,
there would be sadness..
Nothing , nobody is perfect.
Im not..
Im confused..
tHat's all..
I fall in love with you..
But love will end in SadNesS..
So.. i will stay silently...
If this will protect you..